typerswanted blog open
Great, finally it's open.
First post, this blog will be dedicated to money online, but here we won't talk about scam and other guru's crap that you can find on the net.
We won't talk about program that are only here to take your money, but we'll talk about easy programs that are real and here to make you money the easiest way possible.
There's only few of them that I know, they work I guarantee that, and they bring easy good money on the table weeks after weeks.
My name is Matt and I have a fulltime job that I like, yes that I like..hehe I know it sounds carzy, because most people talking about money online only care about wanting to leave there day job.
I don't, seriously, but I agree, I really enjoy having some extra cash to spend.
Only problem I don't want to work another 20 hours a week to have so.
I found few programs out there, really few actually, that's crazy because of the number that promise you impossible thing.
I've test about 23 in the last past 8 months.
And beleive me most of them are crappy like all those survey site (Almost all), but we'll talk about that later on.
So after founding the good ones, I thought that it would be good to share, because a lot of people struggle to make a decent money online, and get scam a lot.I got at first I admit, I thought it could be easy and I could do it.Yeah right..
I was wrong, it aint that easy.
BUT, it is definitly possible, if you have the good tool and meet the good person to help you out.
Hopefully I can guide you, if you're serious about it, of course.
I make about 700$ extra cash every month from my best program.It's not crazy money, but it doesn't take more than 2 hours a week, so it's really good. If you want much more, it could be possible working more.I don't feel like it, my 9 to 5 job, often turn into 8to10 but I like it like that so far.
Ok tomorrow we'll talk about my main program, and after that we'll discuss about the few other option that are intersting.
I truely beleive I can help you out if you want me too.
Don't hesitate to post your experience in that domain or your expectation on what you want to acheive, I'll try to anwser as much as possible.
cheers people, and thanks for reading me .
Matt your guide into the scam web jungle.